Hey, welcome to my porfolio website and personal blog!
I'm Aman Garg, an ex-Senior dev currently pursuing an MS degree at Georgia Institute of Technology in Computational Science and Engineering. My linkedin profile can be viewed here (opens in a new tab). My primary motivation in pursuing this interdisciplinary degree was learning scientific machine learning techniques.
I am looking for Summer 2025 software dev/ ML internships in the US. If you have any leads for me do reach out at aman.garg@gatech.edu
This website is a home for my writing, web-projects and artwork. I write poetry, short stories and make blog posts about things I find fascinating. When not trying to make something new, I like playing chess and listening to music.
This portfolio is built with Next.js and a library called Nextra (opens in a new tab). The source code for this website can be viewed here (opens in a new tab).
- Twitter @amanmakesart (opens in a new tab)
- GitHub @amangrg (opens in a new tab)
- Linkedin @amanmakesart (opens in a new tab)
- Email amangrg96@gmail.com